Family Blog
October 4, 2022

Spending time with family is critical, whether it’s fishing with a grandchild, playing games in the backyard, watching a beautiful sunset together, or taking a family trip to Disney, family memories and bonding can happen every time we invest in our family. Opportunities are all around us, so we will give suggestions and ideas on everything from simple fun activities to vacation destinations, holiday ideas and other memory makers.

Summertime is here, and school is on recess, so it’s important to help kids fill their time will activities that will be fun and meaningful, if possible.

Here is a list of some of the activities that my children and grandkids, and nor great grandkids, have enjoyed doing.

Fishing. If you have a pond, lake, river or stream near you, fishing has always been one of the things my family has enjoyed a lot. It doesn’t need to involve fancy or expensive gear, just a pole, line, hook and a few worms or corn, or pieces of shrimp can provide hours of fun. And a picture of them catching even a small panfish will help make memories they remember even as adults.

Playing a card or board game. There are many age-appropriate card games available, GO FISH, SNAP, UNO, MEMORY just to name a few. Monopoly, Battleship, QWARKLE are some of our favorites. Even playing WAR with regular cards is great fun.

Visit the library. My grandkids especially love picking out a few books on their own. Most public libraries have special sections just for kids.

Discover new playgrounds. Depending on where you live, many communities have multiple playgrounds. may be helpful in locating nearby, even if you are traveling.

Geocaching. Download the free geocaching app. Very easy, like a little treasure hunt.

Grow a herb garden. Teaches kids all kinds of life lessons. And eating the herbs, or peppers or whatever is extra fun.

Take a treat to your neighbors. Many families live in neighborhoods where interaction with other families is not part of your normal routine. Have the kids help bake some cookies or muffins, and stop in at a neighbor you don’t know. It’s been a great way to get to know others close by.

Have a popcorn & movie night. Pick out a good family friendly movie, male a batch of popcorn, get out blankets & throw pillows. Great, cheap fun. You can even have the kids do a review of the movie afterwards, maybe a prize to the best review.

Play Frisbee, or catch. Grab a Frisbee or football, head to a local park and have fun.

Do a puzzle together. Not a small 100 piece, but a big one, maybe of a scenic place that you can even plan to visit.

There are great websites like that have hundreds of fun activities for families. If you belong to a church, they might have RightNow Media available, has hundreds of faith-based videos, movies and other family resources. If you don’t belong to a local church that subscribes, contact RightNow Media directly, they can connect you with a church that will provide all the details you need.

Focus on the Family has been providing family friendly, faith-based resources for many years… Spend time & invest in your family, it will reap rewards for your lifetime, possibly eternity!
