7 Fun Garden Projects for Kids
October 27, 2022

There’s no denying that kids love being outdoors. And what better way to enjoy the outdoors than by working on fun garden projects together? Gardening is a great activity and provides plenty of opportunities to learn about nature, science, and even math. Here are 10 fun garden projects that your kids will love.

1. Build a Miniature Greenhouse

This is a great project for kids interested in science and horticulture. You only need a clear plastic container, some soil, and some small plants. Help your child punch holes in the bottom of the container for drainage and then fill it with soil. Next, have them add the plants and cover the container with the lid. The mini greenhouse will create a warm, humid environment for the plants, and your kids will love watching them grow.

2. Make a Scarecrow

Scarecrows are a classic garden decoration and are easy and fun to make. All you need is an old shirt and pants, some straw, and a few other materials. Have your kids stuff the clothing with straw, and then help them attach the arms and legs. They can use sticks, old socks filled with rice, or anything else they can think of. Once the scarecrow is complete, help them prop it up in the garden.

3. Paint Garden Rocks

This is a great project for kids who love art. All you need is some rocks and outdoor paint. Help your child wash the rocks to remove any dirt or debris. Then, let them get creative and paint the rocks however they like. Once the paint is dry, you can use the rocks to decorate your garden.

4. Plant a Pizza Garden

What kid doesn’t love pizza? With this fun garden project, they can grow their own toppings! You’ll need a large container or raised bed, some potting soil, tomato, pepper, and herb plants. Help your child fill the container with soil and then add the plants. Once the plants start to produce, your kids can pick their own toppings for homemade pizzas.

5. Build a Bean Teepee

This is a great project for kids interested in Native American culture. You’ll need some garden stakes and string or twine. First, help your child drive the garden stakes into the ground in a circle. Then, they tie the string or twine around the stakes to create a teepee shape. Next, plant beans or other climbing plants at the base of the teepee. The plants will grow in the teepee, and your kids will love playing inside it.

6. Make a Rain Gauge

This is a fun project for kids interested in weather and science. You’ll need a clear plastic container, a marker, and tape. Help your child mark the container at 1 inch, 2 inches, 3 inches, and 4 inches. Then, have them cut a small hole in the bottom of the container. Tape the container to a stake or post in your garden, and it will collect rainwater. Your kids can measure the rainfall and record it in a journal.

7. Create a Butterfly Garden

This is a fun project for kids who love animals. You’ll need a raised bed or large container, some potting soil, and butterfly-friendly plants. Help your child fill the container with soil and then add the plants. Once the plants start to bloom, butterflies will be attracted to the garden. Your kids will love watching them flutter around.
